

Make your Kailua beach adventure one to remember. Rent a kayak and paddle to the Mokulua islands in Kailua and experience both an ocean kayaking and hiking adventure. Ocean kayak over the sheltered waters of Kailua Bay and take in the crystal clear waters and spectacular coral reefs. Transport the equipment easily from the meeting place to Kailua Beach on your vehicle using our provided pads and straps. Tandem Kayaks fit one or two people and include life vests, seat backs, and paddles. Book now to experience kayaking to the Mokulua Islands and Popoia Island. Permits are limited, so reserve your kayaks in advance!

356 レビュー


Tandem Kayak 4 Hours


Tandem Kayak Full Day








  • Kayaking in the ocean protected by a barrier coral reef
  • Exploring Mokulua Nui, a Hawaiian bird sanctuary and surrounding reef that serves as a sea turtle and Hawaiian Monk Seal Habitat
  • オアフ島ウィンドワードコーストの絶景を体感できる
  • カイルア湾の静かな透明な海でカヤックを楽しむ。
  • あらかじめ日焼け止めを塗る
  • サンバイザーやサングラスをお持ちください
  • モクルア島をハイキングするための靴を持参してください。
  • 身の回りのものを安全に保管するために、ドライバッグの持参やレンタルを検討しましょう
  • 水を持参し、詰め込むものは必ず詰め込む。
  • 貴重品は家に置いていく(車には入れない)


- ブリットエイチ


- アリッサM


- ケイシー・シー
  • 確認メールに記載されている案内に従ってください
  • ツインアイランド(ナ・モクルア)へのパドルアウトは90分以上
  • モクルアの両脇を回り、タイドプールを発見する。
  • カヤックとハイキングは4時間で快適に収まりますが、食料を持参し、日焼け止めを塗れば、一日中滞在することも可能です。

We provide the rental kayak and gear; you embark on a kayaking, hiking, and even snorkeling adventure. During the booking process, you will choose which 4-hour time or all-day availability works for you. You will also be able to select extra helpful gear like dry bags and snorkel equipment or even a standup paddleboard for those experienced in paddling in the ocean on a SUP. Once you book, an email will be sent to you with waivers to sign, the meeting location links, and other helpful reminders.

We will have your equipment ready for you at our shop at: 134B Hamakua Dr., Kailua, HI, 96734

You’ll be able to transport your kayak and gear on any 4-door vehicle using our special foam pads and straps.


Lanikai Beach is also a great stopping location when you are exploring the offshore islands or just cruising the shoreline. Lanikai Beach has been on many different “top 10 best” lists throughout the years. Check it out and maybe it will end up on yours!


The paddle toward Mokulua is usually a smooth ride, but it’s a long paddle if you aren’t used to it. We suggest experienced paddlers or physically fit individuals try this kayaking trip. The whole area is protected by the far edge of Kailua Bay’s Barrier reef, so high surf is rare. The best time to Kayak is in the morning. On calm mornings you can paddle through the glassy water, can see fish swimming in the reef below you. You will land your kayak on the west side of the island (the side closest to the shoreline of Oahu) and take the kayak up on the beach so you can explore.




モコリシアサリ ハイキングコースの営巣地If wave conditions are right you can hike around part of the perimeter of Mokulua. On the south side of the island, you can access the Queen’s bath which is almost always accessible. You also might come upon one of these fuzzy chicks. Please give the wildlife space and honor their presence. You are guests on the state wildlife sanctuary and all resources there are protected. Please stay off the middle of the island. The island is a bird sanctuary and nesting place for wedge-tail shearwaters and other birds. They make burrows in the ground where they raise their chicks

The plants and wildlife are abundant on, and around, the Mokulua Nui islet so it is not uncommon to see wedge-tailed shearwater birds swooping in the air, Hawaiian Monk Seals basking on the sand, or sea turtles just off the coast.

書籍 カイルアカヤックレンタル

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