

Join us for Oahu SUP Lessons in Haleiwa, Hawaii, the Surf Capitol of the World hosted by Rainbow Watersports. Coming up to beautiful North Shore of Oahu is a must for any visitor to feel the aloha vibes and experience the beautiful water. Enjoy smooth and calm stand-up paddle boarding on both the ocean and an inland stream. You'll have a chance to see some sea turtles, great scenery and the awesome weather of Oahu's North Shore. Our guides will get you up and standing in no time.

356 レビュー
  • $99 - グループレッスン
  • $119 - プライベートレッスン
  • $129 - サンセット体験
  • $149 - 夕闇でのパドル
  • すべての年齢と能力に対応
  • プライベートレッスンには無料の写真つき
  • 必ず水着を着用してください。
  • 日焼け止めを塗ってください。
  • 料金にはボード、パドル、免許をもったインストラクターが含まれています。


- トラヴィス

とても楽しかったです! サービスも良く、安心して新しいことにチャレンジできました。お金を払う価値は十分にあったし、誰にでも勧められるよ!

- アレックス


- リッチ&ステイシー

Sea turtles, tropical fish, and a lush tropical landscape set the stage for your stand-up paddle lesson. The experienced staff of Rainbow Watersports will introduce you to the sport of stand-up paddling. First, you’ll learn about the proper use and care of the equipment along with correct paddling and turning techniques. Then, we’re off on the water.

With our instruction, you’ll be up, paddling, and totally stoked on your very first lesson!


Join a private stand-up paddleboarding lesson with us to get a SUP lesson tailored just for you. Accelerate your learning curve and have a great time with your friends and family and your private instructor.  Be on the lookout for sea turtles and tropical fish while cruising through the Ocean and waterways of North Shore Oahu.

Flexible lesson times are available from 8 am to Sunset. Let us know what works best for you! Reservations are required.

Or, If you are looking to join a different group of paddlers, sign up for an open group lesson. With an open group lesson, you’ll make friends with other new paddlers and have a blast learning how to SUP. Open group lessons have up to 10 paddlers and are open for anyone to join.


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