Mokulua Kayak Rental Self-Guided Adventure

East Oahu Self-Guided Kayaking Experience

Kayak to many locations on the East Coast of Oahu

Experience the amazing views of Oahu's windward coastline and offshore islands on your kayaking adventure. Choose your own adventure from many kayaking routes that are protected by reefs or in bays. Get plenty of sun and kayaking time on this 4-hour or all-day Oahu self-guided kayak experience.

*We make your East Oahu Kayak experience a breeze. You will meet us at our Kailua storefront and we will provide roof pads and straps so you can drive to the kayaking destination. Kayaks easily fit on top of any 4-door vehicle and most vans.

356 レビュー
Oahu, Hawaii
  • $82 – 4 Hour - Visitor
  • $72 – 4 Hour - Kama'aina / Military
  • Kayak around the East Coast of Oahu
  • Choose your kayaking adventure to explore East Oahu.
  • コオラウ山脈の壮大な眺望ができる。
  • You will receive foam pads and straps that fit all 4-door vehicles, most vans, or vehicles with rails or cross bars.
  • You will meet us at our Kailua storefront a short drive from all East Oahu kayak launch locations.
  • 水に浮いた状態でカヤックに乗降できることを確認してください。
  • 水着を着用し、サンゴ礁に安全な日焼け止めを使用してください。
  • 15Lのドライバッグを用意しています。
  • スナックや水を持参される場合は、必ずゴミ箱に捨ててください。
  • Snorkel Gear is provided
  • ライフジャケット、シートバック、パドル、カヤックのリーシュを提供します。

わあ!なんて素晴らしい体験なんだ。土砂降りの雨の中、熱帯雨林の中をカヤックで進みましたが、何も変えられませんでした。" ... "とても緑豊かで、私たち一人一人が一生忘れられないものになりました。

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- マイレ・ブレンデン


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During your kayak adventure along the East coast of Oahu, we’ll equip you with all the necessary gear and guidance to make the most of your day. You’ll soak in breathtaking vistas of the Ko’olau Mountain Range while paddling on the ocean. You get the choice of different paddling routes from Offshore seabird sanctuaries in Kailua to the Rainforest Valley of Ahupua’a O Kahana.

What to Expect on your Oahu kayak experience

The entire kayaking excursion spans about 4 hours, but if you prefer, there’s an option for an “All-Day” experience. The journey to offshore islands or other kayaking destinations takes between 20 to 45 minutes to paddle to. There are many options for kayaking so we will help you decide where to go so your experience meets your level of adventure you are looking for. There are kayaking locations all along the windward coast of Oahu and our shop is in the center of it all.

We’ll be meeting you at our Kailua storefront, which is about a short drive to most kayaking destinations. From there, our friendly team will be there to assist you in loading your kayaks using our provided foam roof pads and straps so you can drive the kayak to the launch location. All launch locations have free parking, but some places have limited parking, so plan on morning kayaking to get better parking.

Kayak on top of a vehicle in Oahu

Kayaking on the East Coast of Oahu

Our shop is close to all the best kayaking in Oahu. The closest kayaking location is right near our shop in Kailua. There you can kayak in Kailua Bay and explore Popoia Island (Flat Island) and the famous Mokulua Islands (Ne Mokulua, The Twin Islands). There are also other kayaking locations north of Kaneohe Bay like Kahana Bay. Whether you choose to go kayaking to an offshore island, up a river, or in a bay you’ll see epic views of the Ko’olau Mountains that run all along the coast of East Oahu.

The Kayaking experience on the East Coast of Oahu varies depending on conditions. There’s a prevailing wind that goes from the ocean toward the shore, so paddling toward land will usually be faster than the initial paddle out. It’s common for there to be 12-15mph winds


As you start paddling out in the ocean just keep a calm and steady pace. Our kayaks are tandems, so you and your partner can work together as a team and be much more efficient than paddling alone.

We conveniently provide a floating kayak leash so you can tow your kayaks behind you if you decide to snorkel. With the kayak leash, you avoid damaging the reef as most anchors end up doing, even when anchors are used by experienced professionals.

If you do end up snorkeling on the Windward side of Oahu, Please adventure responsibly. The reef is beautiful, but don’t touch it. You will hurt it and it will hurt you. Coral reefs are sharp and highly abrasive to your skin. Cuts received from contact with coral often get infected because coral is alive, so keep your distance. Look, don’t touch.


The best time to kayak on the Windward side is in the morning. Low tide is also good, but the wind is the biggest factor and it tends to be lower wind first thing in the morning. If you are an early riser, you can snag our 8 am or 9 am slot. On perfect days, the ocean is calm and you can see through it like glass. Ocean conditions change with the tides, winds, and weather, so please keep that in mind. Days with less wind and lower tide will give you better visibility while you are snorkeling.

About Oahu’s Windward Side


Part of Oahu’s East side is a remnant of a massive volcano caldera that collapsed, leaving epic cliffsides that form the Koolau Mountain Range and a protected bay surrounded by Hawaii’s only barrier reef. This barrier reef helped create a refuge for underwater islands of coral to form. The reef is a combination of millions of microscopic living things and has taken thousands of years to grow this large and beautiful. It just takes a few flipper strokes to undo hundreds of years of growth. If you aren’t comfortable getting in and out of your kayak on the ocean, the coral reef is often viewable from the comfort of your kayak. You can even spot turtles cruising near your kayak.


Ocean conditions can change quickly and kayaking can be dangerous. That said, Oahu’s Windward side is one of the safest kayaking locations. We advise children over 12 years old to do this tour, but younger children may join the tour, especially if the conditions are nice. Since it’s on the windward side of the island, it’s almost always breezy in the afternoons. During the summer months (End of May – beginning of Sept) conditions are calmer and more predictable and the area is much more accessible.



Book the East Oahu Self-Guided Kayaking Experience

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